Join the movement to save the acre at a time
Buy a Bracelet - Save an Acre Duration: 01:39
15,200 Acres of endangered rainforest protected to date.
Your OMA bracelet funds the protection of an entire acre of endangered rainforest through our charity partner, Rainforest Trust. So far, we've been able to help fund the protection of over 10,000 acres, and we're JUST getting started.

One Bracelet. Triple Impact.
Introducing the OMA bracelet, made entirely of organic materials sustainably sourced from the Amazon Rainforest. Each bracelet sold funds the protection of an entire ACRE of endangered rainforest, the planting of a tree, and creates fair-trade reliable work for our indigenous artisan partners.
One Acre Protected
One Tree Planted
One Fair-Trade Job Created

Why the Rainforest?
Rainforests are often referred to as the "lungs of the planet" because they produce over 20% of the Earth's oxygen and store BILLIONS of tons of carbon from the atmosphere. They've also been shown to be one of the most efficient tools we have in the fight against climate change. Not only that, they're home to over 80% of the terrestrial species on Earth, many of which are now at risk of extinction within our lifetime because of deforestation. Protecting these vital ecosystems is truly one of the most urgent environmental issues of our time.
Our 3-tiered Approach
The foundation of our company is built around conservation. We cannot simply "plant" our way out of the mess we're in if we continue to deforest the planet at the current rate. That's why we've committed first and foremost to conservation by funding the protection of an entire ACRE of endangered rainforest with every bracelet sold.
While conservation is KEY to securing a greener future for the planet, we also recognize the importance of restoring areas that have already been impacted by deforestation. In order to maximize our environmental impact, we also plant an additional tree in these areas to help repair some of the damage that's already been done.
Indigenous Empowerment
Creating sustainable economic opportunities for indigenous people is one of the most effective ways to combat deforestation. Not only are these areas 2-3X less likely to experience forest loss, but these communities are also able to earn a living through projects that champion conservation, instead of succumbing to the pressures of resource extraction.
From the Earth, For the Earth.
Our first-of-its-kind OMA bracelet is made entirely of organic materials, making it 100% biodegradable. The beads are made from Tagua, a nut that grows on palms trees in the Amazon and is often referred to as "eco-ivory" for the way that it resembles elephant ivory in look and feel, but is an eco-friendly alternative to the barbaric ivory trade. Chambira is the natural palm fiber used in the making of our string, and is harvested, processed, and hand-dyed by our indigenous artisan partners. Both of these materials are regenerative, meaning no trees have to be cut down to harvest them, and they will continue to regenerate on their own.

Zero-Waste Packaging
Made from compostable paper embedded with a non-invasive blend of wildflower seeds, our packaging is meant to be returned to nature. Literally.

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